Craig Fellowes awarded MBE for services to wildlife
Operation EASTER ~ 27 years of stopping egg thieves
Man who abseiled down cliff to take peregrine falcon eggs jailed
Newport company fined for the demolition of Bat Roost
Cheshire man sentenced after admitting animal cruelty offences
2,114 seizures of endangered animals and timber in major international law enforcement operation
Natural England prosecutes developer for breaching Bat Mitigation Licence
Vale of Glamorgan man prosecuted for destroying valuable wildlife habitat
Wildlife detectives take part in new Forensics Training programme
PSNI investigate death of two white-tailed eagles
PSNI launch Operation SUBRISION to deter and detect rural and wildlife crime
Lewisham man convicted for illegally exporting ivory
Operation EASTER launched for 2023 - stopping egg thieves and egg collectors
Monmouthshire company fined for damaging an important Great Crested Newt habitat
Two Lincolnshire men sentenced under new hare coursing legislation
Hoard of suspected poached deer skulls and fox tails uncovered after drugs raid in Nottinghamshire
National first as Essex poachers banned from owning dogs
Four men sentenced following hare coursing incidents in Stirling and the Borders
Fine for angler who gave false name to NRW enforcement officer
Module One – Foundation
The once five day PWCO course is now delivered in a priority-based, condensed format delivered over Teams for three days called Module One. The national priority areas are covered which includes Badgers, Bats, CITES, Birds Of Prey, Hare Coursing and Poaching. Inputs are also delivered on Health and Safety and the Hunting Act.
IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Anyone booking for Module 1 will have their email address registered with NWCU Digital Training Academy, hosted by Mowbray Partners. You will be expected to have completed the CITES Digital training package before you attend Module 1. We are currently rolling this out in batches and will update when fully open to all.
Dates for 2024 are all now FULL.
Please note the NWCU Digital Training Academy are currently creating a series of digital learning packages for the priority areas (plus Invasive Non-Native Species). You will be able to access each topic and complete ‘as you go’ at your own pace. Therefore there are no more Module 1 dates planned for 2025 as the digital programmes will be available.
Module Two – PWCO Class Licence
Licence to carry out wildlife crime investigation (CL30) – GOV.UK (
There will be no further dates for this Module in 2024.
Module Three – Animal Welfare Act Police powers
This will be training over Teams in the Animal Welfare Act and police powers 0900-12:45, lunch then 13:30 – 15:30 training with the RSPCA Special Operations Unit covering a range of organised wildlife & domestic animal crime.
There will be no further dates for this Module in 2024.
If you have a query regarding police training please contact NWCU (for police email only).
Please be aware that when you book a course with NWCU you will automatically be added to the NWCU DISC knowledge hub.
Module 4 – Wildlife Forensics Practical
Currently on hold and no dates for 2024.
Module 5 – CITES course (2x days)
NWCU, Border Force & JNCC are looking at options and when this is decided information will appear here/on DISC. Please do not email NWCU to book places at this time.
Q: Do officers whom have previously done the 5 day PWCO or an in house version of it in force, need to complete all the essential Modules 1-3 ?
A: No. The ‘new’ style PWCO course is entirely voluntary for those that feel they need it or wish to complete them to gain an NWCU certificate. It does not in any way impact whether you can take on WCO investigations if you have previous training or are an experienced WCO. Purely a matter of choice. However for all new PWCOs, we would ask that they book with NWCU for the essential modules 1-3 and gain their certification with NWCU. Again none of this is mandatory training so down to the individual and their line manager/Force lead/Coordinator.
Q: Do officers have to do Module 1 to be able to take Module 2 or 3?
A: No. You can choose those Modules most relevant to you however for the new PWCOs we strongly recommend they complete Modules 1-3. Taking all of the first three Modules will gain PWCO certification from NWCU.
Q: We want to train more than 2 officers, can we ask for a spare place if there is one?
A: Sorry NWCU cannot facilitate 3rd reserve lists. In the unlikely event that a course is undersubscribed nearing its date, we will make an announcement inviting more than 2 places per force.
Q: My force needs an input or overview day on wildlife crime – how can I book this?
A: There may be circumstances where an NWCU ISO is able to attend a force training day to cover how NWCU can assist investigations and provide support. If you require such an input, please email NWCU so we can consider the suitability of your request.
In addition, Craig Fellowes continues to run a small number of bespoke courses so please contact him direct on these matters to see if it is feasible. The full national PWCO course is now run by NWCU so should you have a question on the PWCO modules please direct queries to NWCU (for police email only).
Q: What are the other advanced modules and when can I book myself on these?
A: These are on hold at present with the creation of digital packages for 2024-2025.