Credit: Nigel J Dennis
Fun facts about the Ground Pangolin:
When threatened, the ground pangolin rolls into an impregnable ball.
The ground pangolin is a surprisingly adept swimmer and often inhabits areas near to water.
The ground pangolin tends to be more active during the day in winter and almost entirely nocturnal during the summer.
When searching for food, the ground pangolin often walks on its hind legs.
It normally walks slowly with its head swaying from side to side and its tail dragging along the ground, although it is also capable of running.
Its long, streamlined body; small, cone-shaped head; and thick tail are covered with overlapping yellow-brown scales, composed of fused hairs and shaped like artichoke leaves.
Its tongue can extend an incredible 10 to 15 centimetres beyond the pangolin’s lips, and is retracted into a pouch in the throat when not in use.